sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Fernando: my take on the current economic crisis

We are living times of uncertainty, with rising unemployment figures, specially among youngsters. They are, in general, well-trained people who have no job, no prospects, no future. Many of them are fleeing the country in search of new opportunities. Those who remain here live with their parents, and the lucky few who find work usually have a part-time or an underpaid job. 

Frankly, José Luis, this situation is extremely worrying; I have two daughters and obviously this current economic climate matters to me. I firmly believe that EU members should take meaningful measures to create new small businesses which can generate wealth and boost the ailing economy. At the same time, European governments should make it easier for young people with new ideas to develop their projects. Self-employment could be a possible solution. Nevertheless, I always think in a positive way and I do believe that Spain is a great country, full of of hard-working people with brilliant ideas, but unfortunately with bad politicians both on the right and on the left. 

Finally, I must say that I hope our country will overcome this situation, the sooner the better.

3 comentarios:

  1. I don't like to discuss about the crisis and especially about our politicians, because they are all the same. Those from Serbia (where I'm from) are pretty much like these you have in Spain. They just don't care. But what is different is that the Spanish people say their opinion, they express their own feelings going out to the street and demonstrating. In Serbia, the people are just too depressed, too apathetic, and that's what makes me angry. Anyway, I share your optimism, Fernando, we shouldn't lose the hope that the thing is going to be better some day, hopefully wery soon. Till then, we have to enjoy our lives as much as it is possible, and teach our children how to do the same :-)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  3. I reckon I have never been too interested in economy, just the opposite, it’s not my cup of tea at all.
    I’ll tell you what, those incomprenhensible terms they use overwhelm me; I don’t really know what on earth they are talking about, do you?
    What I know is that this situation, this reality, which started some years ago with the renowned ‘construction bubble’ and the Spaniards living the famous ‘Spanish dream’, to end up in the ‘unbearable financial position’ our country is still suffering, is thanks to both, our politicians and banks, who based our ‘damaged’ economy just on brick, as the only engine for our development.
    They sold us Spain as a paradise, where everybody could afford their dreams!
    We could have oriented our economy in an international way, investing money on technology and creativity, as other countries did.
    The problem is they forgot to tell us about the harmful consecuences of that scenario!

    Anyway, as we cannot make much more than kick and scream, and as the optimistic person I am, I always like to look on the bright side. I guess sometimes humour is the best way to face difficulties, so what about this video below, with a touch of humour, where John Bird y John Fortune satirize the Economic Crisis with their hilaliorus dialogues?


