sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Chani: a spectacular landscape in Spain

Spain is an incredible country which surprises people everywhere. Undoubtedly, it boasts fascinating landscapes with wonderful, breathtaking views. One of these marvellous sceneries is located in Navarra: The source of the River Urederra is a clear example. We can admire this beautiful place in all its splendour all year round, especially in autumn.

This kaleidoscopic view offers a wide spectrum of colours, which delight our eyes in perfect harmony with a feeling of profound peace. It seems to be an otherworldly image that is reflected even more in the following photograph.

This huge variety of multi-coloured leaves which fall off the trees during the autumn creates a striking carpet. The crystal-clear waters carry them on a long trip slowly and smoothly. In addition, the vegetation which surrounds the river is worth seeing since it will astonish us with its beauty. 

I strongly recommend you to visit this magnificent area in which you can walk and enjoy nature.

1 comentario:

  1. What a breathtaking scenery, just like in fairy tales, pure magic! I've never been there, but after reading this post I'm sure I'll visit it as soon as possible. Fantastic, Chani! :-)
