miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Maite Garcia - My favourite scene: Troy

Troy is an epic film which tells the story of the victories and tragedies happened in the legendary War of Troy. Its plot is based on the Greek epic poem "The Iliad", the most ancient poem of Western literature, written by Homer. This film also includes material from other sources such as "The Odyssey" by the same writer or "The Aeneid" whose author is Virgil

Troy starts with a huge feast organized by Menelaus, King of Sparta, in honour of their guests, Hector and Paris, princes of Troy, in order to make peace, as they had been bitter enemies all their lives. Nonetheless, the unbelievably attractive Paris, played by Orlando Bloom, falls in love with Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, who unfortunately is married to Menelaus, the host king. This fact doesn't stop Paris from running away with the Queen of Sparta. His unconscious, immature action will trigger a series of conflicts which the great Achilles, Ulysses, Hector or Priam see themselves involved in. 

After that brief introduction, I must admit that Troy is not one my favourite films because its director, Wolfgang Petersen, was much more concerned about making a blockbuster, that is to say, he paid more attention to the entertainment value than the historical accuracy. However, when I saw the film, a scene made a strong impression on me, maybe for its extreme tension and its beautiful soundtrack. I am talking about the awesome fight between Hector, prince of Troy, and Achilles, warrior of Sparta, which I would like to share with you. 

Thanks Maite. I'm delighted that you've posted another entry after a pretty long while, actually after your film review of Nosferatu back in November, is that right? 
That said, honestly I didn't think much of Troy when I saw the film either. I mean, it was entertaining enough, but the storyline was, to my mind, pretty weak and - I couldn't agree more with you - rather inaccurate as regards its historical background; moreover, I wouldn't say this is Mr Pitt's best performance to date, is it? But hey guys, if you disagree with Maite and me, we'd love to read your comments, wouldn't we Maite?

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