domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Jose Enrique - My favourite film: "Godzilla. King of the Monsters"

Godzilla is a horrible, enormous marine monster born after a nuclear explosion in 1954. She is forty-five metres long and lives in the bottom of the sea. Godzilla is the main character in this gripping 1956 film that I recall seeing in a neighbourhood cinema as a kid.

I will never forget this thrilling movie and, what is more, the scenes when the monster unexpectedly emerges from the sea in order to destroy the buildings, sink ships and squash civilians in a sea of fire; as a result, the beautiful city of Tokyo is completely devastated. Then she goes back to the sea, where she plans another terrifying victory. 

While the movie went on, our hearts were waiting for the exciting, fast-moving appearance of the monster on the screen. When it did occur, most of the spectators couldn’t help yelling and screaming. Obviously, a vast majority were children; it was a tough task to forget that nightmare!

Thanks a lot, dear José Enrique! I can't believe you've, at long last, sent me an entry for our blog, so well done!
Tell you what. It's so weird yet interesting to see a trailer from a 1950s film. Those were the days of black and white action flicks, weren't day?

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